Our Experience at ProMat 2019

MONTGOMERYVILLE, Pennsylvania, April 30, 2019 - With over 45,000 visitors from around the world converging in Chicago's McCormick Place, ProMat 2019 was the largest in its 34-year history. Over 1000 exhibitors presented their latest developments to a wide range of industry professionals and newcomers alike. Many of the stands were dedicated to robotics and new, evolving technologies that can improve logistics, warehousing, manufacturing, and energy storage.
We showcased our latest innovations, the Stealth Barbed Watering System™, and Operations Display 2.0™, alongside our industry-leading battery management system, iBOS®. It was a busy and successful four days, with plenty of people showing interest in the launch of the Stealth Barbed. The Operations Display 2.0 also drew a lot of attention, with visitors getting to grips with the screen and seeing how much visibility it can give operators and managers in their battery rooms.
Our strapline, Making Batteries Better, was the key point in every conversation we had with visitors to the booth. From water supplies all the way through to battery management, our goal is to make lead-acid batteries the most viable and effective method of energy storage. A well-managed battery room can deliver a 100% recharged battery in four minutes with an average maintenance cost of $25 over the lifetime of a battery. Once we had explained that to those visiting the booth, any thoughts of Li-Ion being "the better option" were quickly dismissed.
As lead-acid batteries have a recycling rate of almost 99%, we have been striving to adopt a similar green approach in other areas of our business. At this year’s show, we introduced our swatch book. As a handy, pocket-size brochure, the swatch book has a page for all of our products, each of them with their own QR codes. Once the QR code is scanned it leads directly to the relevant product page, making it very easy to find a lot more information about the product. Having our literature produced in the size of a business card, means we are saving almost 500 reams of paper annually.
Overall, it was a very successful show and we look forward to ProMat 2021.